Saturday, 28 April 2012



Leucorrhoea, commonly known as whites, refers to a whitish discharge from the female genitals. It is an abnormal disease condition of the reproductive organs of women. The condition may continue for weeks or months at a time. If not treated properly in the initial stages, it may become chronic.

Symptoms of Leucorrhoea

Whitish discharge from the vagina, weakness, pain in the lumbar region

In addition to the whitish discharge from the vagina, the patient feels weak and tired. She also suffers from pain in the lumbar region and the calves, and experiences a dragging sensation in the abdomen.

Constipation, frequent headaches

Other symptoms are constipation, frequent headaches, and intense itching. In the chronic form, the patient feels irritable and develops black patches under the eyes.

Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea treatment using Amaranth Root

Amaranth is considered an excellent home remedy for leucorrhoea. The rind of the root of this plant should be rubbed in 25 ml of water. It should then be strained and given to the patient daily in the morning as well as in the evening. The root of this plant is, however, very susceptible to moths. Hence, care should be taken to see that it is not moth-eaten. In case the root is not available, its leaves and branches may be similarly processed and used.

Leucorrhoea treatment using Lady's Fingers

The use of lady fingers is another effective home remedy for this disease. A decoction of this vegetable is prepared by boiling 100 gm of the fresh vegetable, cut transversely, in half a litre of water for twenty minutes. It should then be strained and sweetened. This decoction, given in doses of 60 to 90 ml frequently, is beneficial in all irritable conditions of genito-urinary organs, including leucorrhoea.

Leucorrhoea treatment using Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are valuable in leucorrhoea. They should be taken internally in the form of tea, and also used as a douche. For a douche, the solution should be much stronger than tea. Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be put into a litre of cold water and allowed to simmer for half an hour over a low flame. The decoction should then be strained and used as a douche.

Leucorrhoea treatment using Guava Leaves

The tender leaves of guava are beneficial in the treatment of this disease. An infusion of the leaves should be used as a douche. It acts as a powerful vaginal astringent.

Leucorrhoea treatment using Mango Seed

Mango seeds are valuable in leucorrhoea. A teaspoon of the paste of the decorticated kernel of mango can be applied inside the vagina with beneficial results.

Leucorrhoea treatment using Walnut Leaves

The leaves of the walnut tree contain astringent chemicals. A decoction of the fresh leaves can be beneficially used as a douche in the treatment of leucorrhoea.



 SAFUF SAILAN KHAS probably has a stimulatory activity on the endometrial and the blend of potential herbal ingredients posses the tonic property that helps improving the uterine circulation. SAFUF SAILAN KHAS also acts as natural antibiotic that has astringent property on the mucous membrane of the reproductive system that assist in controlling the condition like leucorrhea or vaginal discharge.


Digestive disorders are among the most common of all health ailments. No matter how healthy you may, you would have suffered from some type of digestive disorder at some time or the other. Digestive disorders can vary in severity and can affect any part of the digestive system. The digestive system is comprised of the stomach, small intestine, large intestines, liver, colon, gall bladder and pancreas. The mouth and salivary glands are also considered to be a part of the digestive system. Inflammation and irritation can affect any part of the digestive system. Heartburn occurs due to many such digestive disorders like gastro esophageal reflux disease and stomach ulcers. It is also possible for individuals to suffer from more than one digestive disorder. The digestive or gastrointestinal tract is a long tube through which food is processed. Inflammation of the stomach is referred to as gastritis, that of the colon is called colitis and that of the ileum or small intestines is known as ileitis. Inflammation of the liver can also occur and this is called hepatitis and problems of the gall bladder are known as cholecystitis. To keep the gastrointestinal system healthy, it is essential to pay close attention to the diet and only consume foods which suit the capacity and capability of the digestive system.

Diet for Digestive Disorder

Individuals who suffer from constipation should increase their intake of fiber through the diet. Diarrhea can be alleviated through consumption of foods such as brown rice and ripe bananas. It is advisable to avoid eating dairy products when suffering from diarrhea. For dyspepsia or heartburn, fresh fruits are beneficial. The GERD diet should be high in protein and low in fat.



SAIF HAZIM  IS the optimal digestive aid containing a full spectrum of plant-derived enzymes in a single supplement. To help improve the body’s absorption of nutrients, these valuable enzymes break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This includes starch, cellulose, lactose and other sugars. Natural supplementation is an excellent way to replenish enzymes lost from foods during cooking and processing.
digestion, relieves flatulence and regulates intestinal functions. Useful in loss of appetite, heaviness after meals and acidity. Anorexia, heaviness after meals, indigestion, flatulence, hyperacidity and stomach-ache.

Friday, 27 April 2012


Home Remedies for Diabetes

 Diabetes treatment using Bitter Gourd(KARELA)

Among the several home remedies that have proved beneficial in controlling diabetes, perhaps the most important is the use of bitter gourd. It has lately been established that bitter gourd contains a hypoglycaemic or insulin-like principle, designated as 'plantinsulin', which has been found valuable in lowering the blood and urine sugar levels. It should, therefore, be included liberally in the diet of the diabetic. For better results, the diabetic should take the juice of about four or five bitter gourd every morning on an empty stomach. The seeds can be added to food in a powdered form. Diabetics can also use bitter gourd in the form of a decoction by boiling the pieces in water or in the form of dry powder.

Diabetes treatment using  Gooseberry(AMLA)

Indian gooseberry, with its high vitamin C content, is considered valuable in diabetes. A tablespoon of its juice, mixed with a cup of bitter gourd juice, taken daily for two months, will stimulate the islets of Langerhans, that is, the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin in the pancreas. This mixture reduces the blood sugar in diabetes.

Diabetes treatment using Jambul Fruit

Black berry fruit is another effective home remedy. It is regarded in traditional medicine as a specific against diabetes because of its effect on the pancreas. The fruit as such, the seeds, and fruit juice are all useful in the treatment of this disease. The seeds contain a glucoside 'jamboline' which is believed to have the power to check the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in cases of increased production of glucose. The seeds should be dried and powdered. One teaspoon of this powder should be mixed in one cup of milk or water or half a cup of curd, and taken twice daily. The inner bark of the black berry tree is also used in the treatment of diabetes. The bark is dried and burnt. It will produce an ash of white colour. This ash should be pestled in mortar, strained and bottled. The diabetic patient should be given ten grams of this ash on an empty stomach with water in the morning, and twenty grams in the afternoon, and in the evening an hour after taking meals. An equal quantity of indian gooseberry powder, jamun powder, and bitter gourd powder also makes a very useful remedy for diabetes. A teaspoon of this mixture once or twice a day would be effective in checking the progress of the disease.

Diabetes treatment using Fenugreek(METHIDANA)

The seeds of fenugreek have been found effective in the treatment of diabetes. Fenugreek seeds, when given in varying doses of 25 gm to 100 gm daily, diminish reactive hyperglycaemia in diabetic patients. Levels of glucose, serum cholesterol, and triglycerides were also significantly reduced in the diabetes patients when the seeds were consumed.

Diabetes treatment using Other Foods

Besides bitter gourd, certain other vegetables have been found useful in diabetes. These include string beans, cucumber, onion, and garlic. Tea made of the pods of string beans is valuable in diabetes.




SAFUF ZIABATIS is an herbal product which helps your body's defenses to fight diabetes naturally. SAFUF ZIABATIS is made from herbal ingredients which are being used in Asian households since ancient times with the right formulation and combination of herbs. Having been made from herbs and plants extract there are no side effects. The purpose of taking is to co SAFUF ZIABATIS control diabetes in a natural way without any side effects where there is no requirement to take any allopathic medication or insulin. SAFUF ZIABATIS helps both the types of Diabetes i.e. Type I & Type II. It helps to re-activate and strengthen the pancreas which is responsible for controlling the sugar levels by producing insulin in the body. Above all a SAFUF ZIABATIS also helps you with the following

* Helps lowering and controlling your blood sugar levels
* Helps with blurred vision
* Removes any tingling sensation
* Boosts up your energy levels
* Re-activation and strengthening your pancreas
* Helps you to get off your allopathic medication gradually

Thursday, 26 April 2012






 SAIF PROENERGIC 52 is 100% all natural nutritional supplement that has proven to be an effective appetite enhancer. In trials, the revolutionary saif pro energic 52 formula has been shown to increase your appetite and calorie intake up to 300% - thus giving you the ability to consume more food and reap the benefits of a higher caloric intake.

SAIF PROENERGIG 52 has also been shown effective slowing down the metabolic process so your body can better optimize the nutrition from your food. Whether you are looking for a solution to gain a few quick kilo's or a product to support muscle growth in combination with work-outs SAIF PROENERGIG 52  Weight Gain Plus is the answer SAIF PROENERGIG 52 contains all the vitamins and proteins you need for the quickest muscle and body mass gain.

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Kafhar vati helps to give relief in congestion of the chest due to accumulation of the mucus in the membranes. Kafhar vati treats the inflammation of the pleura and helps to remove the mucus from the lungs
. Kafhar vati  helps in the removal of mucus from the chest cavity and gives you relief and helps in breathing normally. Kafhar vati  is a very good product for asthmatic patients and helps in preventing the frequent attacks of asthma. 
Kafhar vati  also prevents the shortness of the breath and fatigue due to asthmatic attack. Kafhar vati  is also a very good herbal product for bronchitis and helps in relieving the congestion of the chest and aids in easy and effective breathing. Kafhar vati   nourishes the membranes of the respiratory tract and helps in preventing the accumulation of mucus in the membranes.
Kafhar vati  Helps decrease airway resistance and thereby increases the airflow to the lungs.      
       Kafhar vati  Assists in suppressing cough and related chest pain                            Kafhar vati  Acts as a stimulant and enhances activity of respiratory organs                             Kafhar vati  Facilitates easy secretion or expulsion of phlegm and mucus from respiratory tract
             Kafhar vati  Provides relief from common cold, dry & mu-co-purulent cough and bronchitis.



VAYHAR VATI is an excellent combination of Ayurvedic herbs for the arthritis treatment. It is a best combination for the natural cure for arthritis. It is a wonderful product that is prepared to treat all types of diseases of the bones and joints. This product for the arthritis treatment helps in reducing the pain and inflammation of the affected joints. It is a well known product that is given to help the patients to get relief in joint pains. All the herbs used in making this product are safe and effective and do not produce any side effects. It is indicated for diseases of the joints such as arthritis, backache, gout etc.
VAYHAR VATI helps to reduce the pain and swelling of the affected joints. It increases the oxygen to the cells and helps in treating the inflammation of the affected joints
VAYHAR VATI gives nourishment to your body cells and makes your joints strong. VAYHAR VATI is a natural anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic herbal product. It is a well known product for the arthritis treatment. As all the herbs used in the preparation of this product are natural hence it is a natural care for arthritis.
VAYHAR VATI contains anti-inflammatory agents that are very effective and act as powerful anti-arthritis agents. It helps in reducing the growth of inflamed tissue and growth of healthy connective tissue. It gives nourishment to your joints and helps in easy movement. Muscles become strong and healthy and help in optimum functioning of the joints and muscles. VAYHAR VATI helps in reducing the pain and stiffness of the affected joints.
VAYHAR VATI is a wonderful product that has been found to be very effective in treating all kinds of joint diseases. If you are really suffering from any pain and inflammation of any part of the body you may use it and see the results. You will get relief immediately without getting any harmful effects. It reduces the stiffness of the joints and gives strength.
VAYHAR VATI is a combination of many Ayurvedic herbs, which are traditionally used in Ayurveda for diseases of the joints and muscles (Rheumatoid arthritis). It helps to remove the harmful toxins from your body. Other uses of this wonderful product are giving relief in stiffness and pain in thighs, osteoporosis, bone density, gout, etc.
VAYHAR VATI is a comprehensive Ayurvedic formula designed to reduce excess vata in the system. It is particularly helpful for accumulated vata in the joints and muscles, which may be indicated by cracking of the joints, tics, spasms or tremors. Chronic inflammation may lead to such serious conditions such as rheumatism and arthritis. VAYHAR VATI contains a unique blend of detoxifying herbs that work to remove excess vata from the joints as well as the nerves and muscles.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012



Hello friends,

I would like to give brief knowledge of Indian herb called as Indian Kino . Indian kino is also known as Herbal Immunity Booster and plant insulin.

Indian kino is the heartwood and bark of the tree known as Pterocarpus Marsupium .It is large deciduous tree which grows in central and western parts of India.
It is useful in maintaining heathy blood sugar and cholesterol level and boosting immunity of body as it purifies blood.

Traditionally it is used in management of diabetes and hyperlipidemia .
Diabetes is caused either by a lack of hormone Insulin which is Type 1 diabetes or the body inability to use insulin .diabetes is worlds seventh leading cause of death.

The blood sugar lowering effects of Indian Kino are well known in India .Diabetics  in the rural areas of India drink water from tumblers carved from the wood of Indian kino and they are said to feel normal.

Epicatechin found in water extract of Indian kino has insulin like property which activates Beta cells of pancreas .Marsupin and pterostilbene are other main constituents which inhibits glucose absorption in intestine.There are several clinical and pharmacological trials conducted in India with very satisfactory results which says Indian kino is the only herb which can reactivate the pancreatic beta cells.

These effects have been reproduced in numerous animal and human trials.In these studies,Indian kino was able to reverse the damage to the beta cells.The result was able to almost complete restoration of normal insulin secretion.Researchers in India studied the effects of this herb on 97 individuals with blood sugar problem and were amazed to find that it helped contrl blood sugar levels in 69% of them

Pterosupin and liguiritigenin in Indian kino reduces total cholesterol called study even demonstarted that Indian kino may also lower blood lipid levels.The uses of  an extract produced a reduction in serum triglycerides,total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein LDL and very low density lipoprotein VLDL

Indian kino aqueous extract also furnished antifungal activity in patients suffering from skin diseases and also useful in treatment of Acne and Pimples.

overall health benefits -
 Diabetes,cholesterol,Acne-pimples,skin diseases ,allergies,constipation,jointpain,blood pressure,liver disorders,digestive problems,cataract and blood purification.

Method of use-
Boil 2 liters of water up to boiling point and remove vessel from fire and put Indian kino piece in it .Cover it with lid tightly and keep it for 8 hrs.After that fill it in plastic or glass container and drink 100ml twice a day 1/2 hr before breakfast and 1/2 hr before dinner.

Diet- avoid carbohydrate containing diets like sugar,rice,potatoes,bananas .Take papaya daily to avoid constipation.



Richest Food On Earth.
(Spirulina platensis or Arthrospira platensis)
Benefits of Spirulina: Highest source of plant protein, builds immunity, improves haemoglobin level, provides energy,makes heart healthy.

Spirulina is being developed as the "food of the future" because of its amazing ability to synthesize high-quality concentrated food more efficiently than any other algae. Most notably, Spirulina is 65 to 71 percent complete protein, with all essential amino acids in perfect balance. In comparison, beef is only 22 percent protein.

Spirulina Facts:

Botanical Name : : Spirulina platensis or Arthrospira platensis
Common Name: : Spirulina

It is a planktonic blue-green algae found in warm water alkaline volcanic lakes. Spirulina is single celled and is about 0.5 millimeters in length. It possesses an amazing ability to thrive in conditions much too harsh for other algae. This ability of Spirulina to grow in hot and alkaline environments ensures its hygienic status, as no other organisms can survive to pollute the waters in which this algae thrives. Spirulina is in fact one of the cleanest, most naturally sterile foods found in nature. Its adaptation to heat also assures that Spirulina retains its nutritional value when subject to high temperatures during processing and shelf storage, unlike many plant foods that rapidly deteriorate at high temperatures.

Spirulina does not have hard cellulose membranes like plant cells or a well defined nucleus yet its metabolic system is based on photosynthesis and in fact has a photosynthetic conversion rate of 8 to 10 percent, compared to only 3 percent in such land-growing plants as soybeans.

Spirulina has 60% protein content, which is more than meat or anything, and hence is great for bodybuilding. Spirulina is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
Spirulina is being developed as the "food of the future" because of its amazing ability to synthesize high-quality concentrated food more efficiently than any other algae Since the ancient times, it has been mankind's most powerful source of nutrition. Spirulina provides protein, iron, vitamins, minerals and most of the essential micro-nutrients, many of which you may miss in your diet due to irregular eating habits, hectic lifestyle or lack of proper dietary knowledge.

Benefits of Spirulina

  • Spirulina builds immunity
  • Spirulina maintains a healthy heart
  • Spirulina promotes healthy skin
  • Spirulina supports normal haemoglobin level in blood
  • Spirulina helps fight daily fatigue and stress
  • Spirulina keeps you active and energetic
  • Spirulina promotes normal blood pressure levels and water balance
  • Spirulina supports normal blood glucose levels

Benefits of Spirulina for children and young adults

·  Spirulina is the richest source of protein and provides 18 out of 22 amino acids that the body needs for normal growth and development.
·  Spirulina through its range of B- Vitamins strengthens the immune system and builds resistance against diseases. The natural beta carotene (pro Vitamin A) in
·  Spirulina helps maintain normal and healthy eyesight.
·  Spirulina provides iron in a form that is easily absorbed. It helps maintain an optimum level of haemoglobin in the blood.

Benefits of Spirulina for adults

·  Spirulina is the best natural source for antioxidants like carotenoids, vitamin E, zinc and selenium, that help fight against free radicals, and also slow down the ageing process.
·  Spirulina being the richest vegetarian source of vitamin B-12 helps reduce physical and mental stress.

Benefits of Spirulina for Seniors

·  GLA in Spirulina promotes normal cholesterol levels, keeps the heart healthy and reduces age related effects. It also balances the various hormonal functions to improve energy utilization and all-round health.

Medical conditions supported by Spirulina

Convalescing people with a disease or deficiency who, need additional nutritional supplementation, to support early recovery or to build lost immunity.

Spirulina promotes health in many ways. It powerfully protects from oxidant stress and strongly supports the immune system and a healthy inflammatory response.
Scientific studies suggest it may be especially good for the brain, heart, immune system and more; so you can meet life“s challenges..

PROTEIN CONTENT (g per 100g)
Pulses (Black Gram)

BETA-CAROTENE (mcg per 100g)

VITAMIN B-12 (mcg per 100g)

IRON (mg per 100g)
*Source : National Institute of Nutrition (1980) Nutritive Value of Indian Foods.

Spirulina VS other Vitamins sources
Spirulina (6g)
Other Source
Possible problems resulting from insufficient Vitamins
Pro-Vitamin A
28 bottle of milk
550 pcs apples
Infections, Lack of smell sense Acne, Dermatitis, Eczema
16 pcs Sardines
8 bowls of rice
Insomnia, Muscle pain, Memory impairment Acne, Eczema, Reduced immune resistance, Heart problems.
4 whole potatoes

Cataracts, Deteriorated vision, Insomnia, Stomatitis, Rough and dry skin, Growth retardation, Eczema, Vaginal itching
8 pcs lemons
Nervousness, Dermatitis.
90g bread
4 pcs
Heart diseases,
Insomnia, Stomatitis,
Rough and dry skin, Nervousness, Eczema, Dermatitis.
4 pcs eel
240g cheese
Anemia, Ageing fatigue,
Menstruation problems


Typical analysis of Spirulina per 100g
60 - 63%

3 times higher than fish, beef or pork;
6 times higher than eggs;
2 times higher than soybeans
7-13 %
Including Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium,
Zinc and Phosphorus
8-10 %
4 times higher than flour and corn
Vitamin B12
0.2 – 0.3mg
3-4 times higher than animal liver
Beta Carotene
140 – 330mg
5 times higher than carrots, 40 times higher than Spinach
Adequate quantity is available
Meager amount of lipid content
1000 – 2000mg
More than 20 times higher than wheatgrass
10 times higher than milk
65 times higher than spinach, 30 times higher than beef, 5 times higher than soybeans














-- Is it safe to consume Spirulina?
* The World Health Organization (WHO) of the UN has recommended Spirulina as safe and nutritious for children

* IIMSAM to encourage Spirulina to combat Swine Flu

* NASA considers Spirulina an ideal food to have/grow on space stations

* In 1974 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)  announced Spirulina as the
 BEST FOOD FOR TOMORROW. In 1981 FDA announced as the                "BEST NUTRITIONAL SUPPLIMENT"

* In 1983 Spirulina won the "BEST NATURAL FOOD AWARD" at West Germany Food Exposition.

Spirulina Research and Clinical Studies

Several studies show Spirulina or its extracts can prevent or inhibit cancers in humans and animals. Some common forms of cancer are thought to be a result of damaged cell DNA running amok, causing uncontrolled cell growth. Cellular biologists have defined a system of special enzymes called Endonuclease which repair damaged DNA to keep cells alive and healthy. When these enzymes are deactivated by radiation or toxins, errors in DNA go unrepaired and, cancer may develop. In vitro studies suggest the unique polysaccharides of Spirulina enhance cell nucleus enzyme activity and DNA repair synthesis. This may be why several scientific studies, observing human tobacco users and experimental cancers in animals, report high levels of suppression of several important types of cancer. The subjects were fed either whole Spirulina or treated with its water

In April 1996, scientists from the Laboratory of Viral Pathogenesis, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, and Earthrise Farms, Calipatria, California, announced on-going research, saying "Water extract of Spirulina platensis inhibits HIV-1 replication in human derived T-cell lines and in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. A concentration of 5-10 µg/ml was found to reduce viral production" Ayehunie S., Belay A., Hu Y., Baba T., Ruprecht R., 7th IAAA Conference, Knysna, South Africa April 17, 1996. Inhibition of HIV-1 replication by an aqueous extract of Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis).


Spirulina is approved in Russia as a "medicine food" for treating radiation sickness. The Children of Chernobyl suffer radiation poisoning from eating food grown on radioactive soil. Their bone marrow is damaged, rendering them immunodeficient. Radiation damaged bone marrow cannot produce normal red or white blood cells. The children are anemic and suffer from terrible allergic reactions. Children fed just five grams of Spirulina in tablets each day make dramatic recoveries within six weeks. Children who did not take Spirulina remained ill Evets L.B. et al Grodenski State Medical University, January 15, 1994 Russian Federation Committee of Patents and Trade, Patent Number: (19) RU (11) 2005486 C1 (51) 5 A 61K35/80. Means to Normalize the levels of Immunoglobulin E Using the Food Supplement Spirulina